A. Menaion
The First Week of Great Lent
The First Sunday of Great Lent or the Sunday of Orthodoxy
The Second Week of Great Lent
The Second Sunday of Great Lent
The Third Week of Great Lent
The Third Sunday of Great Lent
The Fourth Week of Great Lent
The Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
The Fifth Week of Great Lent
The Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
The Sixth Week of Great Lent
Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday
Thomas Sunday (2nd after Pascha)
Sunday of Holy Myrrhbearing Women (3rd after Pascha)
Sunday of the Paralytic (4th after Pascha)
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (5th after Pascha)
Sunday of the Blind Man (6th after Pascha)
The Ascension of the Lord
Sunday of the Holy Fathers (7th after Pascha)
Saturday before Pentecost
Pentecost (8th Sunday after Pascha)
Day of the Holy Spirit
First Sunday after Pentecost or All Saints Sunday
Concerning the Time of Performing Church Services
Dedicated Servers - Bishop, Presbyter
Church Servers - The Deacon
Church Servers - SubDeacon, Reader, Singer, Sexton, Canonarch, Paraecclesiarch, Psalm Reader
Sobornal Services
Concerning Services of a Priest without Readers and Singers
Cycles of Church Services
Concerning the Daily Divine Services
The Evening Divine Services
The Morning Divine Services